We are a proud member of the following associations:

Campaign For Greener Arbitrations   Logo

Campaign for Greener Arbitrations – a global campaign for greener dispute resolution. The Green Pledge is a commitment to eight guiding principles to promote environmentally sustainable arbitration practices, such as using electronic correspondence and online submissions, videoconferencing as an alternative to travel, avoiding printing and using electronic versions of documents, questioning the need for air travel, and offsetting carbon emissions for all arbitration-related travel.

UN Global Compact Poland

The UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL COMPACT (UN Global Compact) is an integral part of the UN system based in New York and active in over 160 countries. Launched by the UN Secretary-General in 2000, it is the world’s largest initiative bringing together businesses working for sustainable development and operating with full respect for UN policies, in particular the Sustainable Development Goals and the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact, which are focused on four areas: human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. The Poland office coordinates cooperation with the Polish government, local government representatives and other UN agencies and programmes in pursuing its mission under four umbrella schemes: Climate Positive, Business and Human Rights, Anti-Corruption Programme and United Business for Ukraine.

International Bar Association

The International Bar Association (IBA) is the foremost organisation for international legal practitioners, bar associations and law societies. Established in 1947, shortly after the creation of the United Nations, the IBA was born out of the conviction that an organisation made up of the world’s bar associations could contribute to global stability and peace through the administration of justice. The present membership is comprised of more than 80,000 individual international lawyers from most of the world’s leading law firms and some 190 bar associations and law societies spanning more than 170 countries.

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The Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce (PUCC) is a center of knowledge, support and inspiration as well as a hub for exchanging experience and contacts for the benefit of Polish-Ukrainian cooperation. The PUCC creates growth opportunities for its member companies by providing high quality services and connecting member companies with other organizations and institutions.


The British-Polish Chamber of Commerce (BPCC)  fosters strong relationships with relevant government and business bodies in both Poland and Britain, serving as a catalyst for developing sustainable international partnerships and closer economic and cultural ties between Poland and the UK.

The French-Polish Chamber of Commerce (CCIFP) promotes the development of French-Polish economic relations, bringing together over 440 member companies. CCIFP interacts with government agencies and other employer organizations to create favourable conditions for the development of investment and economic activity in Poland. The Chamber promotes best business practices and is a cross-sector platform for the exchange of business experiences between entrepreneurs.


The Polish-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK Poland) is the largest Polish-German network of business entities and one of the largest German Foreign Chambers of Industry and Commerce in the world, representing the interests of around 1,000 member companies. It is continuously improving the quality of its services, demonstrated by the awarding of another quality certificate for compliance with ISO 9001:2015 in September 2020. AHK Poland provides expert and comprehensive services to companies, facilitating their market entry and continued expansion, and assists in developing their network of business contacts.

The Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce (PPCC) is the fourth largest Portuguese chamber of commerce in the world, bringing together more than 200 affiliated companies. The PPCC actively encourages Portuguese investors to establish their businesses in a dynamically developing Poland and facilitates the access of Polish investors to the markets of Portugal, Angola, Brazil and Mozambique. It promotes and supports the development of the private sector and the establishment of trade relationships between businesses.

The Polish-Spanish Chamber of Commerce (PHIG) protects and represents the interests of member companies interested in Polish-Spanish cooperation. PHIG is a source of market, financial and economic information for the promotion of exports and scientific, technical and industrial cooperation. It helps Polish companies enter into the Spanish market and Spanish companies enter into the Polish market, and at a later stage – maintain a stable position and boost profits.

The Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Poland (CCIIP) is part of the so-called Italian System, consisting of institutional, business, cultural and social entities fostering Italian interests in Poland. CCIIP has more than 130 member companies and represents the largest Italian investments in Poland. Based on a commitment to Italy’s Minister of Economic Development, it is also in charge of promoting the ITALIA brand in Poland.

The Shokokai Employers’ Association brings together ca. 100 companies with Japanese capital based in Poland. It promotes exchanges and networking between companies and shares information on issues such as relevant legislation, the business market and the Polish living environment to streamline Japanese business operations in Poland.


The Pomeranian Special Economic Zone (PSEZ) is a leader among companies managing the Polish Investment Zone. It operates in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship and in the eastern part of the Pomeranian Voivodeship, supporting new investments and creating attractive conditions for the development of entrepreneurship. The leading investors of the PSEZ belong to the electronics, metal, machinery and furniture sectors. The zone also manages centers supporting the innovative development of companies, i.e. the Gdańsk Science and Technology Park and the Baltic Port of New Technologies. In 2022, the PSSE issued the greatest number of decisions to support investment projects among economic zones in Poland, and was ranked 2nd in Europe and 7th globally in fDi’s Global Free Zone of the Year 2022.

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The International Trademark Association (INTA) is the largest international association dedicated to the protection of trademarks and other intellectual property rights. It is a global community of trademark owners and IP professionals working to foster economic growth, innovation and consumer trust, and to ensure effective legislation and compliance. It also runs a number of education and training programmes to help protect the rights of consumers and trademark owners. The organisation now boasts over 33,000 members from 181 countries, including representatives from businesses of all sizes, non-profits, law firms, government agencies and academia.

The Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry (PIPC) represents the chemical industry in their relations with domestic and foreign government agencies and international organisations. It is the only organisation entitled to represent the Polish chemical industry in the international arena and actively supports all actions for sustainable development of the chemical industry.

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The Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce (SPCC) is an association of business people created by and for entrepreneurs associated with Scandinavia. With over 400 member companies across 4 national divisions: Danish, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish, the Chamber works to comprehensively support and facilitate planning business activities on many levels both in the Nordic countries and in Poland. It constantly follows trends and innovations, and is a source of current business know-how and an inspiration for development.    


The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is the world’s largest trade organisation with over 6.5 million members – businesses and associations – and a network of 3,000 experts in more than 130 countries. The ICC works to promote international trade and investment, responsible business conduct and a global approach to regulation by promoting policies, setting standards and providing world-class dispute resolution services.