Educational programmes for ambitious business

Today’s reality is a regular minefield for most businesses. As lawyers we keep a close eye on trends and changes in the business environment. We sense, see, think, and analyse. And we connect the dots.


MiCA, or how the European Union intends to regulate the cryptocurrency market

MiCA, or how the European Union intends to regulate the cryptocurrency market

Although the first Bitcoin was mined ca. 13 years ago, global economies are still barely coping with regulating crypto-assets. In line with the saying “so many countries, so many customs”, the governments of the world’s superpowers have at times proposed various, often completely extreme ideas to regulate this issue, including the outlawing of cryptocurrencies.

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Technology-driven business growth

Technology-driven business growth

Blockchain, Cloud Computing, and Artificial Intelligence are more than buzzwords – they are concepts critical to the rapid technological development occurring across all industries. Our experts Piotr Galka, Piotr Kaniewski and Szymon Ciach share their views on the...

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What’s hot on the business landscape in Poland?

What’s hot on the business landscape in Poland?

In his interview with CEE Legal Matters, Rafał Rapala discusses recent developments in the Polish economy including: Orlen’s expansion beyond the fuel industry, the impact of Covid on the real estate sector, recent legislation, including the new holding law to be...

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The Ideas Powered  for Business SME FUND

The Ideas Powered for Business SME FUND

An EU grant scheme to help SMEs maximise their IP assets. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are once again eligible to access grants for the protection of their intellectual property rights. At the beginning of March, another ”application window” opened for the...

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The potential of the hemp industry in Poland

The potential of the hemp industry in Poland

Piotr Kochanski, Senior Managing Partner and Founding Partner at Kochański & Partners, speaks to My Company Polska on hemp market developments: “The global hemp market is one of the fastest growing sectors, with Cannabis sativa being a driving force for the...

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Multicloud: an advanced version of the cloud

Multicloud: an advanced version of the cloud

An interview with Michał Furmankiewicz, Head of Consulting at Chmurowisko and Łukasz Węgrzyn, Partner, Head of Technology Practice at Kochański & Partners. - In Poland we are witnessing a surge in cloud implementations, as shown for example by the latest Eurostat...

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Blockchain – a revolution in the financial sector?

Blockchain – a revolution in the financial sector?

Will blockchain technology revolutionise the financial industry? By 2025, the value of the global blockchain market is forecast to exceed USD 21 billion, and 10% of global GDP is likely to be stored in blockchain, with more and more economic sectors opting to use this...

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