Educational programmes for ambitious business

Today’s reality is a regular minefield for most businesses. As lawyers we keep a close eye on trends and changes in the business environment. We sense, see, think, and analyse. And we connect the dots.


Landscape resolutions – a relief for the landscape vs. property rights

Landscape resolutions – a relief for the landscape vs. property rights

Although the number of landscape resolutions nationwide remains small, an increasing number of cities are deciding to draft and enact such resolutions. While, on the one hand, there is a vital need to regulate the advertising chaos in Poland, on the other hand, the interests of advertising-related service providers should not be neglected, thus, the requests of offices, hotels, shopping malls or arcades and other businesses should be taken into account while drafting new resolutions.

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Tenders for Ukraine | Current status, rules of participation and prospects

Tenders for Ukraine | Current status, rules of participation and prospects

Rebuilding infrastructure and meeting the current needs of citizens are among the most important tasks facing Ukraine today. This requires not only funds, but above all effective planning and execution – which in practice amounts to tenders and procurement processes. More than 100 such tenders have been held in just the past few weeks.

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Rebuilding Ukraine in practice – financing sources and investment perspectives

Rebuilding Ukraine in practice – financing sources and investment perspectives

Nearly 24,000 kilometres of roads, end to end measuring ca. 60% of the Earth’s equator in length, hundreds of bridges, thousands of buildings and tens of thousands of cars – this is only a partial account of the destruction inflicted so far on Ukraine by Russian forces. But although the war in Ukraine has not stopped since 24 February 2022, the prospect of a post-war reality cannot be ignored, and so ways of rebuilding the country should be considered.

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A WIBOR Substitute – New Regulations Approaching

A WIBOR Substitute – New Regulations Approaching

The incessant growth of WIBOR has become a huge problem for PLN borrowers, who are increasingly questioning the methodology for determining the value of this index. However, there is help in sight as the government is planning to assist, although the initial proposals were contrary to EU law.

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Polish Deal 2.0 | Tax Focus

Polish Deal 2.0 | Tax Focus

On 12 May 2022, the lower house of the Parliament (Sejm) adopted the Amendment to the Personal Income Tax Act and Certain Other Acts – the so-called Polish Deal 2.0 (print no. 2186). Below we present a summary of what we believe to be the most important tax solutions.

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