Educational programmes for ambitious business

Today’s reality is a regular minefield for most businesses. As lawyers we keep a close eye on trends and changes in the business environment. We sense, see, think, and analyse. And we connect the dots.


High penalties for polluting the environment

High penalties for polluting the environment

Since the beginning of September, legislation significantly increasing penalties for environmental pollution has been in force. On 1 September 2022, after a relatively short 14-day vacatio legis, the Act Amending Certain Acts to Prevent Environmental Crime of 22 July 2022 (Journal of Laws, item 1726) entered into force.

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Temporal nature of the sanction of loss of voting rights

Temporal nature of the sanction of loss of voting rights

The sanction for breach of the notification obligations referred to in Article 69(1)(1) of the Act on Public Offering, associated with a change in the total number of votes in a company held by shareholders acting in concert, as provided for in Article 87(1)(5) of the Act – is the loss of voting rights as regulated in Article 89(1)(1) (the “sanction”).

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Slim VAT 3.0 | Tax Focus

Slim VAT 3.0 | Tax Focus

Arrangements and consultations on the draft act amending the VAT Act and certain other acts, i.e. the so called SLIM VAT 3 (draft No. UC128), were scheduled to complete by 26 August. It is assumed that the draft act will enter into force on 1 January 2023, with one...

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SLAPP – a global legal problem that, if unchecked, could stifle freedom of expression

SLAPP – a global legal problem that, if unchecked, could stifle freedom of expression

It’s no secret that since 2015, key constitutional values have been in crisis. History shows that the last bastion of freedom of speech, which guarantees these values, is the free press. However, over the past three years, there have been repeated legal actions by state institutions, state-owned companies, businessmen and other lobbying organizations aimed at stifling the work of journalists, publishers and NGOs.

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Draft amendment to the Commercial Companies Code

Draft amendment to the Commercial Companies Code

On 8 August, the latest draft amendment to the Commercial Companies Code was published. The bill implements Directive (EU) 2019/2121 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 amending Directive (EU) 2017/1132 as regards cross-border conversions, mergers and divisions.

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Coal allowance – a new form of support

Coal allowance – a new form of support

Although the heating season will only start in a few months’ time, there is already a lot of talk about it in many homes today. Uncertainty and fluctuations in the energy market are raising concerns about whether it will be possible to keep warm in the autumn and coming winter.

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