Educational programmes for ambitious business

Today’s reality is a regular minefield for most businesses. As lawyers we keep a close eye on trends and changes in the business environment. We sense, see, think, and analyse. And we connect the dots.


Whistleblower bill back in the Sejm

Whistleblower bill back in the Sejm

On 23 May, the Sejm (the lower house of the Polish Parliament) passed a bill on the protection of whistleblowers. We summarise what has changed from the previous versions, what needs special attention and what amendments the Senate has made.

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Belka tax cut and what this means for companies

Belka tax cut and what this means for companies

The Minister of Finance has announced a plan to reduce the Belka tax, to come into effect on 1 January 2025. And although he has said that the groundwork is already being laid, he has not yet revealed all the details of the proposed changes.

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Liability of management board members

Liability of management board members

The liability of management board members is a complex and multifaceted issue. It is therefore worth taking a closer look at these issues, especially in light of recent developments.

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Effectively managing collective redundancies

Effectively managing collective redundancies

The labour market is seeing an increased number of collective redundancies. We check what rules govern collective redundancies and what obligations must be fulfilled in order to carry them out effectively.

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SME Fund – Tomasz Szambelan accredited IP Scan provider

SME Fund – Tomasz Szambelan accredited IP Scan provider

Tomasz Szambelan has been included in the list of accredited IP Scan providers maintained by the Polish Patent Office. The IP Scan service is part of the grant scheme for the filing of trade marks, designs and inventions from the European SME Fund.

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