K&P Archives - 2024

Social Security Holiday


On 7 June, the Amendment to the Social Security System Act was signed by the President. This means that a large number of businesses will soon benefit from favourable changes to the payment of social security contributions.

Tom Hashimo heads our Japan Desk


Japan is already an important global partner for Polish business. But what makes this destination particularly promising and attractive is its technological and innovative potential and its successful turn towards green transition and advanced energy projects. And these are the areas in which we, as a law firm, have been building our competitive advantage from the very beginning.

Whistleblower bill back in the Sejm


On 23 May, the Sejm (the lower house of the Polish Parliament) passed a bill on the protection of whistleblowers. We summarise what has changed from the previous versions, what needs special attention and what amendments the Senate has made.

Artificial Intelligence in Poland in 2024


For those interested in the legal aspects of artificial intelligence and wanting to know exactly what awaits the Polish technology market in the near future.

New highs in the IP Stars ranking

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We now know the results of the first part of this year’s IP Stars 2024 ranking in the Trademark disputes and Trademark prosecution categories, and we know which firms have been recognised as providing the most effective support in these areas.

Belka tax cut and what this means for companies


The Minister of Finance has announced a plan to reduce the Belka tax, to come into effect on 1 January 2025. And although he has said that the groundwork is already being laid, he has not yet revealed all the details of the proposed changes.

Liability of management board members


The liability of management board members is a complex and multifaceted issue. It is therefore worth taking a closer look at these issues, especially in light of recent developments.

Effectively managing collective redundancies


The labour market is seeing an increased number of collective redundancies. We check what rules govern collective redundancies and what obligations must be fulfilled in order to carry them out effectively.

SME Fund – Tomasz Szambelan accredited IP Scan provider


Tomasz Szambelan has been included in the list of accredited IP Scan providers maintained by the Polish Patent Office. The IP Scan service is part of the grant scheme for the filing of trade marks, designs and inventions from the European SME Fund.

New rules for setting fines for businesses by the President of UOKiK


At the beginning of April 2024, the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) published new clarifications on the determination of the amount of fines in cases related to the conclusion of agreements restrictive of competition and the abuse of dominant position.

Polish Bank Association’s Banking Forum 2024


The Banking Forum is one of the most important annual events in the industry, and cannot be missed by representatives of top management and executives of Polish and international financial institutions.

Gross violation of the bank’s rights of defence


Superficial and common judicial views on the so-called ‘CHF loan cases’ do not justify the conduct of civil proceedings in violation of the bank’s rights of defence, as the court of second instance has ruled.

Does Poland need nuclear energy?


The debate on nuclear energy is one of the hottest topics currently attracting the attention of the public, energy transition experts and representatives of the scientific, political and business communities.

Dividend advances


Limited liability companies often exercise the option to pay dividend advances.

We have been recognised in Media Law International 2024


Another accolade in the Media Law International ranking and a consistently high position confirms that our work on behalf of journalists and leading TV and radio publishers is not only effective, but also recognised and valued by the market.

Don’t miss CRBR notification and update deadlines


The Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act (Act) requires the notification and updating of information on the beneficial owners of partnerships and companies (and other entities referred to in Article 58 of the Act) to the Central Register of Beneficial Owners (CRBR).

We now know the results of Chambers Europe 2024


Following the announcement of the Chambers Global 2024 recommendations, which this year brought us fantastic news, the results of Chambers Europe 2024 have now been announced.

What’s the price of this company? A word on M&A valuations


Money is King. This is especially true in M&A transactions, which are primarily ‘for the money’. In this context, the valuation of a company being sold, i.e. the way of setting the share price and any post-purchase adjustments, is crucial.

Another version of the whistleblower bill is now before the Sejm


On 26 February, another bill on the protection of whistleblowers was submitted to the Sejm under a new title: the “Whistleblowers Act”. The bill is intended to implement Directive 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) of 23 October 2019.

How Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) can boost the economy


PPPs can be a model of cooperation and allocation of public and private resources that will revitalise the market for infrastructure projects and provide an answer to the problem of access to finance for the public sector, especially local authorities.

When will the new e-service arrangements come into force

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According to the current wording of the Electronic Service Act of 18 November 2020, and the Communication of the Minister of Digital Affairs of 29 May 2023, the implementation of the National e-Service System was originally scheduled to cover the first category of obligated entities from 10 December 2023.

New forms of a cross-border division present an opportunity for technology transfers in the New Tech sector


There is no doubt that the New Tech sector is currently booming, including in the area of mergers and acquisitions (M&As). The recent amendment to the Companies & Partnerships Code has introduced a new form of division, i.e. a division by separation (known as a spin-off), and has regulated the cross-border division process. Let’s look at how these changes will affect existing technology transfer practices.